14 Nov 2019

How to attract & retain great staff: Webinar

Are you struggling to motivate your staff or wasting time training staff only to have them leave?

In this month’s FREE interactive online member training, REBAA president Cate Bakos, will share her insights on how to plan, grow, choose, train and engage staff for the long-term. Get ready to walk away with some practical tips you can action in your business.

Topics covered include:

  • Being clear on the business model you have including your USP (unique selling proposition)
  • Being aware of your brand, it’s flavour and its perception
  • Segmenting what you do vs what you need your staff to do
  • Designing your support/staff roles
  • Being aware of your staff costs
  • Business continuity

This training is scheduled to run on Friday 15 November from 10.00am and is exclusive to REBAA members.

Please email lisa@parkerbuyeradvocates.com.au to register.