I am the leading buyers agent in the Southern Highlands and the only REBAA member here which guarantees both a professional and independent buyer’s agent is acting on your behalf. I live locally and specialise just in the Southern Highlands.
I am completely independent and confidential, and have a relationship with all of the agents in the Southern Highlands so have access to properties on the market, off-market and also those properties about to come onto the market so you can find something before everyone else sees it.
If you are currently spending all of your time searching, you’re probably basing you search on the internet or talking to selling agents. You will be spending a lot of time travelling here looking at unsuitable properties and the ones you like have already sold before you see them. Take out the guesswork and have Highlands Arrivals provide a shortlist of properties. I want to make sure you love your house in the Highlands! Many properties sell before they are listed on the internet sites or within a day of being listed. These are off-market sales and you need to act quickly to get one of these, getting in early and using someone local as property finder, inspecting the property for you before they come to market.
Having more than 25 years experience in sales, and as a licensed real estate agent, I can negotiate on your behalf and get the best price. I know all of the local selling agents and they know me, and know to take any buyer I bring through seriously.