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Timar Buyers Agency

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Where We Service

  • TAS

Timar is where buyers meet with their perfect property.

Registered Licensee: David Zerna

We are a property buyers agent, we represent a buyer in a property transaction. Our role is to connect, to align, to get in context, so we can work towards property goals together. Timar helps you go from being a buyer to becoming the owner of your home with confidence and clarity.

How others have profited from Timar Buyers Agency

“There’s a real difference between being a visitor and being a local. And obviously, that’s where someone like yourself [David] was so incredibly useful in terms of all of a sudden I was able to see Tas through different eyes which has been fabulous.” – Kristin – Sydney Buyer
“The thoroughness, the knowledge of the market, and I guess the contacts. I didn’t really have to do any planning or really didn’t have to dive into any of that. You had that covered and the contacts with different people that you could have followed up with if I needed” –  Julia – Sydney Buyer
“I have a fairly busy work life, and I was trying to figure out how I was going to achieve my end goal, and your buyer’s agency seemed like a really sensible way of doing it” – Alison – Canberra Buyer