15 Sep 2023

The importance of maintaining an exceptional standard

From the desk of Bryan Loughnan, REBAA Treasurer & Executive Committee Member

While there are multiple elements and skills we must develop and nurture as property buyers, there is one thing we can all do as both individuals and as a collective that will enhance outcomes for everyone across the industry.

And that is to maintain an exceptional standard of professionalism in all our dealings.

Of course, our profession has been on the back foot a little in this regard. The barrier to entry as a buyers’ agent is reasonably low compared to other specialisations. Look at accountants, financial advisors, lawyers and even property valuers. These professions require practitioners to achieve high levels of education, to clear hurdles for registration and to maintain training each and every year.

While I realise both licencing and practical experience are required before you become a buyers’ agent, the truth is we are seeing increasing numbers of people looking to join the profession after completing the minimum of requirements.

But I say rather than throwing our hands up in surrender, we should instead respond by ensuring we maintain the highest possible standard of professionalism in all our dealings as members of REBAA.

Let’s be honest – it’s a huge part of the reason REBAA was established and should certainly be part of the motivation for members to join.

REBAA requires all members to adopt and enlive an exceptional code of conduct. These are the guidelines REBAA considers the very minimum requirement for operating as a successful property buyers’ agent in the Australian market.

You should apply this code regardless of who you interact with to bring benefits to all. This includes:

  • Your clients: The code of conduct ensures your advice and guidance will help them achieve the best possible outcome from agreeing to work with a member of REBAA.
  • Your fellow members: One in, all in when it comes to professional standards. How you conduct yourself reflects on the membership as a whole. This is why the committee is rigorous in ensuring members stand by the code of conduct. As a collective, we are only as good as our weakest link. It’s essential we hold ourselves and our fellow REBAA members to a higher standard.
  • Affiliate professions: The selling agents, property valuers, town planners, mortgage brokers, legal advisors and every other profession we come into contact with will reflect on their dealings with an REBAA member. They will grow to understand that the REBAA brand stands for integrity and professionalism.
  • The broader public: We will continue to work tirelessly to promote the REBAA so that this association’s membership will be recognised as the gold standard in the buyers’ agency profession.

Reputations in this industry are hard won, but easily lost. I’ve had many sales agents around the country tell me that they would far prefer to deal with REBAA members than others who clearly don’t subscribe to the same standards.

So, hold yourself to a higher standard. Maintain dignity and treat others with respect. Demonstrate the professionalism and integrity that are the hallmarks of REBAA membership.